To reach out, simply text St. Joseph Charter Township at 1-269-421-4001 to quickly find city information such as Township meetings, upcoming events, office hours, elections, etc., or ask any questions.
You can also text us to report issues such as potholes, code violations, and more.
With TextMyGov you can also sign up for text alerts for communications such as office and township building closures, utility outages, and other important notices from township officials.
Get Started: Text "SJCTOWNSHIP" to 91896.
What to expect: After the initial keyword "SJCTOWNSHIP" is sent you will receive a confirmation message asking you to reply "YES" to verify opt-in.
Click the link to view TextMyGov Terms & Conditions
You can opt out of St. Joseph Charter Township TextMyGov alerts at any time by texting "STOP" to 91896.